
Bromley Blended Meeting for Worship

Everyone is welcome to come to our Quaker meeting, no matter what their background.

Quaker Meetings are held in silence until someone is moved to speak. This is to deepen our awareness of the divine and find the inner source of our strength.

Our values which we call our Quaker Testimonies are peace, equality, truth, simplicity and sustainability. We try to live by these values, while recognising that doing so presents challenges for all of us.

Meeting for Worship is held every Sunday from 10.30-11.30 and is currently blended with some in the meeting and some on Zoom - contact the clerk for details via the contact form above.

Upcoming Events

Sun 19 January

Meeting for Worship

Venue: Bromley Quaker Meeting House

Bromley Quakers meet every Sunday at 10:30am

There is no children's meeting, but would welcome visitors and will arrange to attend to children. Please contact us in advance using the contact form.

Sun 26 January

Meeting for Worship

Venue: Bromley Quaker Meeting House

Bromley Quakers meet every Sunday at 10:30am

There is no children's meeting, but would welcome visitors and will arrange to attend to children. Please contact us in advance using the contact form.

Sun 26 January

Arts Group


Venue: Bromley Quaker Meeting House

Our arts group meets on the fourth Sunday of the month. All are welcome.